The first ComicNFT is smoothly getting ready.

6 min readJul 1, 2021


ComicNFT — Website — Challenges — Game —Listing —Roadmap — Budget

Fellow Scoobi Dogees, sitting here in history we are in our secret garden with this revolutionary concept and we still have a lot of challenges and improvements to achieves to make this remarkable project become really sensational.

Here you can see the cover of the first Superman comic book, they printed 200 000 copies in June 1938, sold it at that time for 10 cents, only 100 survived nowadays. This book is considered as a museum piece and it has been purchased into an auction on eBay by Darren Adams of Pristine Comics on a Sunday night of the year 2014 for $3.2 million, making it the most expensive comic book ever sold. The previous record for a comic book was $2.1 million, for also an Action Comics №1, sold by the actor Nicolas Cage in 2011.

Anyway, this is past history, so now we are June 30th, 2021 and it marks the end of our first phase, we are 3 months old and the doge puppy is growing up. We definitely will update now our goals in order to be as fully transparent as possible on what we are working on. Thank you all for your support! We really appreciate your trust and we will continue to make history together. So let’s talk now about the big matters.

⚡ ComicNFT

We have changed the design of our ComicNFTs, we needed to adjust the frames to be squares instead of rectangles as each episode is designed into squares of 3000 x 3000px.

Old version
New version

We are going to start the authentic sale of our comic NFTs by late August / early September, each episode will have a certain rarity, and depending on how many you own you will get a chance to earn the last episode only available through an airdrop, all snapshots done will be taken into consideration.

More details coming in the next medium post.

A physical comic book will be printed by the best printers in the world, premium quality will always be privileged. Square size, full color with saddle stitching, gloss paper coating with varnish finish type, 85 lb for cover, and 70 lb for the inside paperweight. With a QR code linking it to the NFT, so you will always be able to prove your ownership.

🕸️ Website

Our avatars are already there now, but a new update will been done on the website within the next days. We will add 7 more episodes to our ComicNFT collection. So we we will have now 11 episodes ready, 2 more to come and we will officially end the first act of SCooBi Doge First Comic book. Then we will print the physical comic book and every holder having at least 12 episodes of the comic NFT will be able to claim the physical comic book that we will send via post.

🔥 Challenges

As you know, 4 challenges are running right now, but we had only two submissions, so we guess it’s still too soon to choose a winner, anyway those two will receive 1 million $Scoobi each for their devotion, thanks again for participating. We will postpone the end date of ALL challenges to the end of July.

Don't forget to talk about this to your relatives, this is really an amazing way to become a Scoobi Millionaire, rap, sing, dance, twerk, draw or write stories for the next Scoobi ComicNFT Episode, check out our Tik Tok account and share it to people!

🎮 Game

As you know, we are developing a game based on Axie infinity gameplay. The GDD game design document is ready. We started developing the game but we didn’t have enough budget to continue the development so that’s why we will use the funds raised during our upcoming authentic ComicNFT sale starting July 15th, 2021. You have the power to help the project develop faster by purchasing and owning the first series of NFTs published by us.

We are focusing on developing a mobile game, android and IOS compatible as the market size of the Mobile gaming industry (85 B) is by far the biggest since Angry birds (2009) and Candy crush saga (2012) penetrated heavily the mobile market with their revolutionary concept.

Quick Note:
We are completely innovative about Comic and NFTs, we have a strong game design (combination of Axie infinity and PokemonGo) and our Scandivian Engineer is working hard everyday on physicals applications for our derivative products linking them with NFTs through NFC and QR codes. They will give special access to some parts of the game. 🔥


Well, our Scandinavian Engineer has done huge advancements on the prototype, he almost needed to go to the emergencies because he discovered that the dust was very toxic and was highly allergic to it, so he got an asthma attack, a really intense one while cutting the statuette, we would have made someone become a widow because of Scoobi the chosen’s statuette, but finally, all ended up good and now the statuette will be hand-painted soon, a rare new star is born and the chosen one is living, long live to Scoobi!

📜 Listing

We have been listed on Coingecko and Etherscan and that onboarded a lot of new members. We applied for CoinmarketCap and Bscscan, CMC already replied that they won’t list us from now on. We are still waiting on Bscscan’s update and every three days we send them an email to know what is going on.

Some people said that it is worth paying attention to bigger CEX exchanges because they have a real trader-base of common users, more useful, and pretty recognizable. We are very low on budget and all those CEX want a minimum of 5000$, so first of all we don’t have the money for that right now, and secondly is it really worth it at the moment when our first comic NFT is not yet out there? We are wondering.

🛣️ Roadmap

We are updating our roadmap, some of the goals haven’t been met due to restrictions (Tik Tok and Twitter Ads, Coinmarketcap listing) and delays with development and operations, and on top of that our low budget and the bear market doesn’t help.


An exotic sale of NFTs will take place soon to be able to fund the upcoming operation and development. Each page of our first comic book will be sold with a certain level of rarity.

Gnosis safe created!

A multi-signature donation wallet (3/5 to unlock it) has been set up, it will also be added on our website, here it is:

⚠️ Disclaimer: We do not guarantee anything, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and investors may not recover the full amount invested. The value of this collection can greatly fluctuate as a result of Scoobi’s investment policy and is not guaranteed. The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.




Written by SCooBi-Doge

Scoobi-Doge is a Comic NFT MEME DAO building a collection and gaming ecosystem with a governance token based upon a decentralized voting system.

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