Once in a lifetime for the First Crypto Comic Book linked to NFTs

5 min readSep 13, 2021


ComicNFT — Website — Game — Listing

Overview of the 13 episodes of SCooBi Doge Genesis Comic Book №1 — “The Bitecoin Quest”.

In business, energy and patience are indispensable keys to success. Like we said before, this month we are going to start the authentic sale of our comic NFTs. Now, we have the exact amount of NFTs to be published and the rarity of each episode.

Depending on the amount that you own and how long you have been holding SCooBi — according to the snapshots done — , the higher chances you will have to earn the rarest episodes. These are only available through an airdrop. Late LP providers will also get the chance to earn the last episode, while others who hold a minimum of 10m $SCooBi or $bSCooBi will have the opportunity during our NFTdrop events, at least in one of the NFT listed down below. The first NFTdrop event should happen at the end of this month, September 2021. You can see the number of episodes to be published and their prices.

Each NFT are subject to be airdropped. Every SCooBi holders will have a chance to receive one of these NFTs.

We are going to publish them on Polygon (MATIC) Network, as the fees are the lowest and they are showing up on Opensea. We debated about doing it on Phantasma, but upon realizing that you would need another wallet besides Metamask and that they would not show up on Opensea, we have decided not to choose this option.

We also considered ImmutableX, as it would be available on Opensea marketplace, but we are aware that their solution is not yet accessible for everyone. We are still waiting to see Ethereum become POS to thereby have the gas fee divided by 10. Once that happens, we will undeniably implement a bridge to allow us to transfer all NFTs from Matic Layer 2 solution to Ethereum mainnet. Within few days we will launch the sale of the NFTs, the exact date will be communicated through an announcement on our official twitter and telegram account.

⚡ ComicNFT

The Genesis Comic Book №1 “The Bitecoin Quest” is ready to be published. Below, you have an overview of the front page, back page, and the last page, which has a special dedication to Rodolphe Töpffer.

Rodolphe was a Swiss teacher, known for creating the first comic book in human history, “The Story of Mr. Wooden Head”. It was completed by 1827 but not published until 1837. In April 2021, the jury of the Eisner Prizes, America’s premier comic book award, introduced Töpffer to its Hall of Fame.

In 1845, he also created a comic named “The Story of Mister Cryptogame”. We think that it is amazing that the pioneer of Comic books talked about cryptos over 150 years ago.

Tribute page to Rodolphe Töpffer
The front page of Scoobi Doge Comic book
Back and front pages artwork together
Every Scoobi Comic books will have a Certificate of authenticity with it.

🕸️ Website

We have received several SQL Injection attacks from various hackers who were attempting to access our database by trying to insert a malicious code to disrupt our records. The necessary measures have been taken to ensure the security and integrity of our data and our users, while also preventing future attacks to be successful.

Some of the SQL injections attacks that we have suffered. Fortunately, we have properly sanitized the data.

We are actively working on a new design and structure for the website, which should be ready for mid Q4 2021.

🎮 Game

Draculon Musk’s Castle

We decided to set up a Minecraft server with a hub where every player can provide the best content, being able to earn some $SCooBi tokens while doing it. In our server, we will allow players to integrate, use, and trade all kinds of blockchain-based game items.

A giant Scoobi with a some surprises inside it.

We are also planning to import a part of the world on Sandbox, as one of our holders has offered us one land near Binance and Atari. We want to thank him again for this generous donation.

📜 Listing

We have contacted Coingecko to update our page by adding the Pancakeswap pair, circulating supply, and showing up our marketcap correctly. Coinmarketcap listing continues to be on standby, as they are waiting for us to have more content before listing us. Once it is effective, we will try to launch an airdrop of 100k $SCooBi to 500 crypto enthusiasts (50M $SCooBi in total) on their dedicated page https://coinmarketcap.com/airdrop/ to get more exposure. This will undoubtedly help for SCooBi’s marketing.

Hope you enjoyed reading us and as we say for greetings, Scoooooobi doooobi dooooo !!

The SCooBi Doge Team

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ScoobiDoge
Telegram : https://t.me/scoobidoge
Github : https://github.com/Scoobi-doge/Scoobi-doge.github.io
Website : https://scoobidoge.com/

⚠️ Disclaimer: We do not guarantee anything. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and investors may not recover the full amount invested. The value of this collection can greatly fluctuate as a result of Scoobi’s investment policy and it is not guaranteed. The above references an opinion and it is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.




Written by SCooBi-Doge

Scoobi-Doge is a Comic NFT MEME DAO building a collection and gaming ecosystem with a governance token based upon a decentralized voting system. scoobi.space

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